Eko Flooring and Woodwork Brooklyn

18 Division, Brooklyn, NY 11222

(347) 227-8098

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Eko Flooring and Woodwork Eko Flooring and Woodwork from Brooklyn, New York is construction business located at 18 Division Brooklyn, NY 11222 USA. Eko Flooring and Woodwork is categorized under .

The main area of the company's services is flooring.

Eko Flooring and Woodwork in Brooklyn business details

?The last known location of Eko Flooring and Woodwork from Brooklyn. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
18 Division, Brooklyn, NY 11222
?Eko Flooring and Woodwork contact phone number is 3472278098.
(347) 227-8098
?Opening hours of Eko Flooring and Woodwork. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
9AM-5PM Mon-Sat
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1 - $999

At Eko Flooring & Woodwork, we specialize in real wood flooring and can bring to the table many years of experience and our highly recognized old world craftsmanship in tackling unique read wood flooring projects. Our team of wood flooring specialists focus on minute details to make sure that your wood flooring looks amazing. We use finishes which are eco-friendly and do not contain toxic fumes. If you are looking for real wood flooring for your house or your commercial establishment, reach out to us at Eko Flooring & Woodwork! Our wood flooring collection includes wide plank flooring, wall paneling flooring, solid wood flooring and exotic wood flooring.

For more information about the products and services offered by Eko Flooring and Woodwork's visit our office located at 18 Division in Brooklyn, NY 11222 (we are open 9AM-5PM Mon-Sat), or simply call: (347) 227-8098.

Eko Flooring and Woodwork Brooklyn Construction, Brooklyn flooring, in Brooklyn, Wood Flooring, Wide Plank Flooring, Wall Paneling Flooring, Solid Wood Flooring, Exotic Wood Flooring, reclaimed flooring, exotic flooring, wall paneling, design flooring, types of wood, engineered wood floor, wood materials, Wood Flooring Consultant, Wood

Eko Flooring and Woodwork reviews.

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