Burns Cleaning LLC Portland

P.O. Box 8523, Portland, ME 04104

(207) 828-0099

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Burns Cleaning LLC Burns Cleaning LLC from Portland, Maine is services business located at P.O. Box 8523 Portland, ME 04104 USA. Burns Cleaning LLC is categorized under specialty cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations.

The main area of the company's services is high dusting cleaning. SIC Code of Burns Cleaning LLC is 2842.

Burns Cleaning LLC in Portland business details

?The last known location of Burns Cleaning LLC from Portland. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
P.O. Box 8523, Portland, ME 04104
?Burns Cleaning LLC contact phone number is 2078280099.
(207) 828-0099
?SIC Code 2842 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
?Opening hours of Burns Cleaning LLC. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1 - $999

Burns Cleaning provides a comprehensive range of Janitorial cleaning including High Dusting and Strip and wax services at affordable rates. We provide custom services suited for small and big buildings, visit our website today or call us at 207-828-0099 to know more.

For more information about the products and services offered by Burns Cleaning LLC's visit our office located at P.O. Box 8523 in Portland, ME 04104 (we are open NA), or simply call: (207) 828-0099.

Burns Cleaning LLC Portland Services, Portland high dusting cleaning, Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, and Sanitation Preparations in Portland, Strip and wax Portland Maine.

Burns Cleaning LLC reviews.

Are you owner of Burns Cleaning LLC in Portland,Maine? If the business data is out of date, click here to use the contact form for update or delete listing.

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